Community Forum
Forum Ground Rules
To begin I want to thank you for joining our open forum. Here we will talk about the finer details of Leadership using NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy.
Along with discussing different modalities to use to elevate your Leadership skills. In the forum we support each other in achieving our outcomes using these skills
While we encourage you to join in there are a few ground rules you must follow.
Know The Forum Ground Rules:
As a member of the forum you agree to the following "Ground rules" or "List of Expectations". Designed to guide how we will work together as a group.
We support and encourage the following:
Respectful listening and contribution in our forum;
Participation and the sharing of ideas and perspectives;
Promote openness to points of view and increase learning;
Collaboration to create lasting solutions;
Manage problem before and as they occur; and
Inspire trust and support for all participants.
The Forum is NOT this:
While some of you might find it simple to follow the "Ground Rules" others will need to read this also.
This is NOT a debate panel: Our purpose is to expand on experiences. To inspire you to apply the skills and techniques to develop your leadership skills.
This is NOT to win an argument. Our purpose it to discuss points of view and explore options that provide solutions.
This is NOT dictated by one participant: Our intention is to have everyone share what you think. You may ask for comments from others to help clarify points. It is always OK to "pass" when asked to share or comment.
This is NOT your 'soap box': The purpose of our community is to collabortate and share ideas. Once you voice your questions or ideas let others have an opportunity to comment. Help us support you by being specific and to the point in your comments.
Let's Get You Started
Now that you understand and agree to these ground rules its time to begin. Use the button here to login and begins posting your questions or comments. We are excited for you to join our community. And for you to share your insights and questions with us.
Welcome and enjoy!
- Alan Jensen
Master Trainer of NLP
Founder of Xodai Academy